L109A1 のバックアップ(No.2)


使用弾薬155g of TNT

特徴、アドバイス、補足 Edit

  • L109A1は、スイスのHG 85対人破砕手榴弾の英国仕様です。 総重量は465グラムで、平均的な兵士で役20メートル先へ投げることができます。

銃器紹介 Edit

In September 2000 a six-year contract with Swiss Ammunition Enterprise Corporation (a RUAG subsidiary) was announced, committing the UK to purchased circa 363,000 grenades for combat and live training, first deliveries scheduled for March 2001.

The L109 is the British designation for the HG 85. It differs from the HG 85 in that it has a special safety clip (matte black in colour, which is similar to the safety clip on the American M67 grenade.

The L109 is deep bronze green in colour with golden yellow stencilling, and a rough exterior comparable to light sandpaper, and a yellow band around the top bushing, and weighs 465gm. Markings give the designation "GREN HAND HE L109A1", a manufacturers marking "SM" meaning "Swiss Munitions", and a lot number. (Markings on the safety lever give the designation and lot number of the fuze.)

Once the safety pin is pulled, the grenade is live but so long as the fly-off lever is kept depressed while the grenade is held (and the grenade can be held indefinitely with the pin out) it can be safely returned to storage so long as the fly-off safety lever is still in the closed position and the safety pin reinserted. However, if thrown - or the lever allowed to rise - the protective plastic cover falls away and the striker, under pressure of the striker spring, begins to rotate on its axis. This causes the safety lever to be thrown clear, the striker continues to rotate until it hits the percussion cap, which fires and ignites the delay pellet. The heat of the burning delay pellet melts solder holding a retaining ring, allowing the detonator to move under the influence of a spring from the safe to armed position. The delay pellet continues to burn and after between 3 and 4 seconds burns out and produces a flash that forces aside a flap valve allowing ignition. When the flash reaches the detonator this initiates a booster charge which in turn initiates the main explosive filling.

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